Perusing through youtube the other day for footage shot at the Magic Stick in Detroit, I came across a clip of Secret Twins. I remember being impressed by this Ypsilanti duo when they warmed-up for Best Coast back in 2010. At the time they didn't have a cd out so I thought I had heard the last of them. Praise the power and reach of youtube, for not only was there video of the band at a different Magic Stick show but this video shot on the street corner in Royal Oak with a speeding freight train in the background may be precisely what the founding fathers of Rock and Roll had in mind when they created the genre.
The album that this song is from, 'Ill Fit', is now available on iTunes.
Secret Twins - Lazy Cheetahs
Cub - Hello Kitty
How have I been doing this blog almost two years and had not included an Eno song yet?
Brian Eno - Taking Tiger Mountain (by strategy)