Although Ash was pretty darn good, the showstealer for me was the first band of the night, alaska!. alaska! formed by Imaad Wasif and Russ Pollard from the remnants of Lou Barlow's New Folk Implosion, and included drummer Lesley Ishino of the Red Aunts. On this tour they were fresh off the release of their CD 'Rescue Through Tomahawk' . The lead track on the disc 'Fury of Trees' leads off this post's theme songs of trees. Hope this link works alaska! 'Fury of Trees'
In late 2011, my wife and I observed our 25th anniversary. While other couples celebrate such milestones with trips to Hawaii, or gifts of shiny minerals of high implied value but of little practical use, I took my wife to Cleveland.....the one in Ohio. Yeah I know. What was going on in Cleveland in December? Beside the Christmas Story House Museum, we went to a hot dog stand/concert venue to see the Crystal Stilts. Which brings us to their song 'Sycamore Tree'.
Rounding out this post is a song brought to us by the Committee to Keep Music Evil and their charter member the Brian Jonestown Massacre. More about that band in the next post but until then here's their song 'Evergreen'